Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rio not only place with bad weather

There may have been severe thunderstorms in Rio (prelude to match outcome?) but while watching the BRAvGER match on my Moto X, suddenly everyone's phone started to beep and buzz.  With GER up an incredible touchdown (7-0 for those futbol not football fans), there was a tornado warning where we were working in Liverpool, New York.  This is just the 2nd time I remember such a warning, as the first was when I was driving in San Antonio and heard it over the radio (initial thought:  awesome!  where is it?; secondary thought:  maybe I should get to my hotel quickly) about ten years ago.  Pretty cool (don't think any tornadoes actually touched down) since we were in a safe location but to think if it were a close match, I was going to watch the game at a local bar which wouldn't be as safe.  Thanks, Germany, for piling it on and keeping me safe!

UPDATE: At least four people died in the two converging storms over the Syracuse area.  Prayers to the families who lost loved ones.

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