Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Japan and Paraguay are heading for the penalty shootout in the scoreless match... nice chances for each but no one dominated.   Six have picked PAR and Source is the only one to pick JPN... let's see who wins...

PAR goes first... GOAL!... JPN's Endo... GOAL!
Guessed right, but PAR GOAL!...JPN GOAL!! (2-2)
PAR scores!... JPN defender hits the crossbar!  (3-2)... oh no! PAR controls destiny!
PAR under the crossbar for GOAL!  JPN needs the next one!  Honda has scored twice and on the PK he cheekily sneaks it in (4-3)...
If PAR scores, they win!  A slow windup and he scores! (5-3)  PAR makes the Quarters for the first time ever!

Great job Japan!  After the disastrous pre-WC prep, you came together and delivered!

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